Wednesday, May 14, 2014

23 Mobile Things: Thing 19


I was prepared to love MyGarden.  I do a ton of gardening, and have several different kinds of gardens: Veggie, a big bed of mostly perennials, some annual beds and a large native garden.  Some of it's sun, some of it's shade - it's all over the place and takes up a pretty large amount of my time during the growing season.

But I didn't love MyGarden.  I didn't even like MyGarden. The plant information is so incredibly limited. It gives no climate information beyond "needs protection." Well, what on earth does that mean? There are plants that are perennials in the southern US that are annuals here in Minnesota. I noticed a number of the gardeners are in the UK. Well, there's not much that's a perennial there that's also one here! We hardly have daffodils blooming in February. I remember visiting southern England one year and staying at a lovely home with beautiful, expansive gardens.  In talking to the owner, she said she never watered anything but the pots, feeling that if the plants couldn't survive without water, there wasn't much point in having them. She had had a grand total of 12 FROSTS the previous winter - not freezes, but frosts.  That soft, mild climate is a far cry from here, where the frost went several feet into the ground and we had 50+ nights below zero (F, not C!) this past year, and we'll likely have long stretches in the 90s this summer - if it ever gets here...

I also didn't care for the way it described plants.  All hostas were lumped together, with heights ranging from (I think) 20-70 cm. Well, I have hostas, and the range in size is huge! Some get barely 5 inches high, while others are over 2 feet - and I know of cultivars that get 6 feet across. Some will take sun, some won't, there's a lot of color variation...  You get the idea. A good app would differentiate cultivars.

I had this app on my phone for about 15 minutes. I wish it were better. Maybe I'll look for another one...

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