Thursday, May 22, 2014

23 Mobile Things: Thing 15


I was kind of stuck on this one. I have an Android phone. Three of the four listed apps work with Apple products or tablets only. The fourth, Infographics Hub, isn't compatible with my device!

So I just ended up going to the website and looking around. It can be kind of fun, but it shares the pitfall of all things Internet: Anyone can post to it. And "anyone" isn't always right - either through ignorance or to push a particular point of view. And "anyone" is sometimes clueless about sentence structure and/or grammar.

A prime example:

Hoaxes that fooled the world

Internet is probably the biggest venue when it comes to staging a hoax. The fact is hoaxes have been around before even the dawn of cyberspace, before the Internet when elaborate scams and deceptions were not known. But we still fall for them at one time or another. Despite it lacks the one thing called the truth, they still manage to be the biggest trolls in human history. The following infographic breaks down some of history’s best known hoaxes.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm immediately skeptical of anything this poorly written. Maybe that's not fair, but that's the way it is. I'm not quite sure what's meant by "the biggest trolls in human history." This one, though, at least listed sources! I saw a few for wedding to-do lists, and they seemed to be created by businesses connected with weddings.  That's fine - that's a way to get customers. But I wonder how many viewers of the infographic look to see just who created it, and how that might slant the information presented. 
Using this app regularly would mean having your b.s. radar going at full capacity, and making sure you checked facts somewhere else if it were something you might want to actually rely on.

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