Keeping Up
I started this thing pretty skeptical of the whole Flipboard app. And then I struggled a bit figuring out how it worked. I finished setting my account up pretty sure I'd close my account after finishing this blog. But now I think maybe not.
I found the instructions for Flipboard incomplete, both the ones on the 23 Things site and on the Flipboard site. Perhaps it's obvious to more experience users, but it took me a while to figure out the difference between creating my own magazine and subscribing to something. In creating a magazine (at least the best I can figure it), you add articles of interest to a magazine about that subject. And nothing else gets added until you do it. When you subsribe to something, say a blog, it shows up under "My subscriptions" and you then receive new items as they come in. Once I got that straight, it all got a lot easier. It still took me a while to get the magazine part right, as I didn't realize you swipe up to get down to the cover to see your list of articles, so I kept thinking I wasn't adding anything.
I usually read all my work related feeds at, well, work, so having them available anywhere on my phone isn't a huge draw. But in looking over my subscriptions today in preparation for writing this, I realized it's a pretty nice way to get blog content. I can sit and read it at work. And maybe somewhere else if I'm stuck in line... I took a look at the news feed, too, and found a couple of things of interest to me there, so I might continue looking at it once in a while. The nice thing about the news feed is that, at least on the articles I looked at, it actually connects to articles of substance. It's not the crappy one paragraph stuff you see on news websites or yahoo or whatever - it's really got some body to it.
Color me surprised on this one - I may end up a fan after all.
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